Our mission is to help men transition out of homelessness into a self-sufficient, independent lifestyle as a productive citizen. And, also to help men transition from Incarceration back into a law abiding life style of self-sufficiency.
We do that by providing a Safe, Clean and Sober environment.
Our Approach
We have a Program to assist our residents to learn the financial skills, the life skills, job search skills and how to build a support community that will help them reach their goal of staying sober and having their own place.
Who We Help
We take in men who come from all kinds of situations. Many come straight out of prison, others come off the streets, others from being evicted and others can have one or more of a variety of personal issues that create a need for an affordable place to stay. If they are sober, we will take them in and try to help them. If they aren’t sober, we offer to get them to a detox center. Then we will take them in.
Requirements for Admission
All the men need to have a job or a source of income. Many arrive with temporary vouchers to tide them over til they can get a job. If they don’t have an ID, or a cell phone, or a job…we can help them get those things. We don’t do it for them…but we assist them in many ways to get them on the road to a better life.
Fees and Amenities
Our program is unique. We have a “night room” so men can have late shift jobs and sleep during the day.
Our men pay $15 a day, $105 a week paid in advance. If someone comes to us without any money and no job, but he is sober and willing to work, we can still help them.
For those fees the men get a bed and the use of bedding (sheets, pillow and blanket) while they stay with us. They get a locker and an under the bed bin for personal items. We also provide one hot meal a day (dinner).
Comprehensive Support
We have program to give them the skills needed to get a job, then a good job and then a better job. We teach life skills and we partner with over 30 other organizations to provide a wide variety of support services.
You can get more details about our program and partner organizations in other areas of this website.
“We help those who help themselves.”
Bruce Heagstedt, Executive Director